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Pressman® Toy Tri-Ominos early learning game is ideal for grades 3rd - 12th. Game of 2 - 6 players includes 56 plastic playing pieces and rules. Ages group and grade: Ages 8 - adult and grades 3rd - 12th. Number of players: 2 - 6. Includes 56 plastic playing pieces, rules. Classic triangular domino game. Players score points by matching numbers on the 3-sided playing pieces. The classic triangular domino game. 2-6 players. Grades 3 and up. Tri-ominos early learning game is a classic triangular domino game.

  • The classic triangular domino game, combines strategy, luck, and new challenges each time you play.
  • The Bonus Tri-Ominos for Kids game encourages children to match up numbers, colors, and pictures of their favorite animals
  • The Classic game is for 2 - 6 players, ages 8 to adult
  • The Kids game is for 2 players, ages 4 and up